Cracked liners or fire bricks

Stove liners may become cracked after sustained burning at very high running temperatures, or if the liners become damp and are subjected to a high burn rate without a period of slower firing. 

Assuming the liners are still in situ and able to support the throat plate correctly there is no need to replace them in the short term. Cracked liners will not in themselves affect the performance of the stove.

It is not always necessary to replace a liner if it is cracked, as it will still insulate the stove. However, once a liner begins to crumble, its insulation properties are reduced and this may cause irreversable damage to the stove body, so at this point they will need replacing.

Rectangular, shaped or 'fluted' liner bricks

Each stove model usually has at at least two or three often more liners fitted. The specification of replacement liner bricks will vary according to the stove model you own. 

It is quite common for some stove models to have bricks that have a more complex shape. and for some of our stove models - such as our Farringdon stoves - these feature some liner bricks with a decorative impressed patterning or 'fluting'.

Some examples of fluted or shaped liners can be seen here

What is a Liner or Fire Brick?

Liners, also often referred to as Fire Bricks are used to insulate the fire chamber from the stove body in order to maximise combustion efficiency.  Liners have the appearance of a low grade wood like MDF, but are actually made from Vermiculite.  Vermiculite is a clay-like mineral that has a very high temperature resistance property. 

Where to purchase replacement stove liners or fire bricks?

Replacement liners can be bought directly from your local Arada stove retailer or directly from us online.