Why is a wood burner better than an open fire?

Have you been thinking of replacing your open fire with a wood burner? Read on to find out the benefits of adding a stove to your home.

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Are wood burners better than open fires?

Are you not sure what side to take on the wood burner vs open fire debate? There are many reasons why making the switch from an open fire to a stove is not only better for the environment, but better for your health too! We look at what you need to know to make the right choice for your home.

How does a wood burner work?

In principle, a wood burner is an open fire but it’s a fire that is constrained to a ‘fire chamber’. The heat from the flames is radiated out into the room from the stove body itself, as well as out through a flue – which is either run up through a pre-existing chimney or via a freestanding flue.

The action of heat leaving the flue outside creates a draw of air from the room where the stove is situated, where in some cases, air can be drawn in from outside of the property. It is this draw of air that continues to pull more oxygen into the fire chamber that in turn feeds the flames.

Thinking about a wood burner?

Thinking about installing a wood burning stove but are not sure where to begin? Read our blog on what to know about getting a stove in your home to get you started.

How does a wood burner differ from an open fire?

On the above basis, it appears that a wood burning stove is very similar to an open fire. However, there are several important differences to be aware of!

Are there strict regulations in place for wood burners?

The development of wood burning stove technology is ongoing and all manufacturers of wood burning stoves are bound by these regulatory measures. Since 2020, we have developed stove models that meet the strict EU legislation (often referred to as ‘Ecodesign’) to hit two key targets - firstly, to offer ever-increasing fuel efficiency and secondly, very low emissions, especially the reduction of PM2.5 particulates.

Find out more

If you would like more technical advice about your installation needs, speak to your local Arada retailer. They can conduct a property survey and walk you through the optimal stove appliance, and any additional options such as prefabricated flues or direct air kits.

Find your nearest Arada stove retailer here and ask them about Arada's ecodesign stoves

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Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | EmailPosted by Alexandra Newell
9th February 2024
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