Are wood burning stoves good for wellbeing?

Wood burners are ideal for creating a cosy home and they can have a positive effect on our mental health too.

Wood burning stoves are much more than efficient and renewable home heating appliances. The addition of a fire is ideal for creating a cosy and welcoming home environment - meaning they can have a positive effect on our mental health too.

Providing comfort, joy and enhancing relationships, read on to discover the ways a stove can enhance the wellbeing of yourself and others this winter.

Promote Relaxation

Lighting the fire at the end of a long day helps to draw a line under the stresses of the outside world. Creating clear distinction between work and home, a lit fire can help to reduce our blood pressure by encouraging us to slow down and to think more clearly – as well as provide us with a feeling of comfort and security.

Mood Enhancing

A lit fire is known to dramatically lift our mood. On a cold, dreary, winter’s night, there’s nothing more appealing than cosying up by the open flames. Warmth is proven to have a great effect on our happiness, so combined with a gentle glow, our spirits can quickly be lifted.

Arada Ecoburn 5 Widescreen stove in fireplace

Arda Hoxton stove on optional pedestal next to cosy armchair


Competing with the kitchen for being the heart of the home, a wood burning stove brings a warm and intimate feeling to a living space, making them inviting room that you’ll long to be back in whenever you’re away.


Encouraging escapism, without the TV on, yet a spot to relax in the warmth, sit back and recline with a good book and your favourite hot drink to completely switch off from everyday life.

Bonding Time

Having a wood burning stove in the sitting room is a great addition to family life. With a new focal point in the room that isn’t the TV, the family will want to gather to share in the warmth. The perfect spot for some afternoon board games or a jigsaw puzzle, a fire will encourage more time with the family and friends, without the constant distractions of the TV or mobile phones.

A wood burner will also encourage talking as it creates a new centrepiece, which encourages family and friends to be together and discuss the day gone by. Once the kids are asleep, settle down with just the two of you and spend some quality time together without distraction; which is key to a good relationship.

Hamlet 5 Compact multifuel stove

Ideal for enhancing our wellbeing, a wood burner has so many benefits that will enhance our lives. All our stoves are Ecodesign Ready, so you can be sure you’re choosing a wood burning or multi-fuel stove that’s better for the environment.

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Useful links

Where to buy an Arada Stove

You can locate your closest Arada retailer here

Can I get a brochure?

You can download brochures for our stoves here

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Posted by Lucy Sanders
28th November, 2023.

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