Environmentally Friendly Wood burning stoves

It’s a known fact that relatively high emissions come from old stoves and open fires. Lack of maintenance and bad burning practice coupled with poor quality fuel choice leads to visible smoke, which in turn affects the air quality in both homes and in the wider environment. In an effort to combat these issues, a new European-wide law that aims to lower emissions and improve air quality is being brought into effect from 2022. Known as Ecodesign, this policy has passed through the House of Commons.

Our new stoves meet this legislation to make it easier for customers when buying a new stove. And it’s not just about the stove, burning wood responsibly is about correct fuel use and the best way to control your stove to minimise particulates and emissions, coupled with expert installation. Our Ecodesign Ready stoves are designed to comply with the latest regulations, producing far fewer emissions than an open fire or old style stove and ensuring this new era of home heating is successful in improving our air quality.

Read on for four steps to burn well…

What’s more, our stoves are made with the love and craftsmanship of British design and therefore are built to last. All our stoves come with an industry leading stove body guarantee, so as long as your stove is purchased from one of our authorised retailers and installed following the correct environmental regulations, your stove should stand the test of time.

And there you have it, the more environmentally friendly way to keep yourself warm is to choose an Ecodesign ready Arada stove!

Related Articles

Ecodesign and environmentally-friendly stoves

Useful links

Where to buy an Arada Stove

You can locate your closest Arada retailer here

Can I get a brochure?

You can download brochures for our stoves here

Posted by Rob Wiltshire
1st February 2018
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